
InterWho - Whovian Karen Wiggins

Hello Sweeties!

Welcome to our next InterWho (Whovian Interview)..
I had the pleasure of interviewing Karen Wiggins, so grab a cup of tea and enjoy the read ... 

BBB: Please introduce yourself to our readers and tell us about yourself…
KW: My name is Karen. I'm 35 years old. My astrological signs are Aries and Year of the Monkey. I have 5 kids. The oldest is my step-son who is 15. My daughters are ages 14, 6, & 4, and my baby boy is 2. My husband and I have been together for 8 years, married on October 24, 2010.

BBB: When did you first become a Whovian?
KW: I first really started getting into the new Doctor Who in 2007 when my husband introduced me to the series.

BBB: What is your favorite Classic Who and/or New Who episode and why?
KW: My favorite episode is in New Who, and it is Don't Blink because of the mystery of the Doctor appearing in "Easter Eggs" on the only 17 DVD's that Sally Sparrow owns. It really plays with the "Wibbley-Wobbley-Timey-Wimey... stuff." That, and the fact that the Doctor is dependent on Sally to send his TARDIS back to 1969 where he is stuck. It is funny, sad, scary and mysterious all at once, and it shows a vulnerability of the Doctor. Also the fact that {SPOILER ALERT!!} Sally discovers that she is the one who gave all the information to the Doctor shows how special an "ordinary" person can be.

BBB: If you could meet just one Doctor Who cast or crew member, who would it be?
KW: Tom Baker - for those of you who may not know, he played the role of the 4th Doctor.

BBB: Who is your favorite Doctor and why?
KW: There is only one Doctor. He may have many faces, but he is the main character, and no matter which actor plays him, they all become a part of him and it's like asking what version or age(s) of yourself is (are) your favorite and why?

BBB: Who is your favorite companion and why?
KW: Although not strictly a companion, I like Harriet Jones because she gets on the Doctor's "bad side" but she makes a good point - he is not always around, and we have to rely on ourselves and make the best decisions we can at the time. In the end she sacrifices herself for the good of mankind and to help the Doctor, but I think it's an important lesson that when we become independent, we may make decisions that disappoint those on whom we used to depend, but we should always be true to ourselves no matter what. Also she teaches that there can be dignity, even in death.
My favorite companion by far though is Donna Noble. She loves the Doctor in a totally platonic manner, and is his "mate" through and through. She starts off as a total prat, but she has a wisdom about her that makes her his equal in a lot of ways, although she doesn't ever see it until the end when she is the Doctor-Donna. It was cool that a whole other dimension popped up around her like a bubble in "Turn Left" but it's sad when she has to forget all the great things she did.

BBB: If you could travel with The Doctor in his TARDIS to any time and/or place, where would you like to go?
KW: I'm not sure when or where I would want to go. Traveling with the Doctor to any time or place is always an adventure, although I wouldn't mind knowing the winning lottery jackpot numbers!

BBB: Are you in any other fandoms besides Doctor Who? Such as Torchwood or Sherlock?
KW: Yes, I love both Torchwood and Sherlock. I also love Supernatural, X-Files, My Little Pony and Game of Thrones.

BBB: Tell us about your business or hobbies even if they are not related to Doctor Who..
KW: I don't have time for a lot of hobbies, but I love to read, watch movies and television, and write songs and poems. I like to make jewelry and I would love to go back to school to learn metal smithing. I also like Macrame and can make some pretty "fancy" friendship bracelets, when time and funds for supplies permit.
Right now I have a Buskins account, but I haven't made any sales yet.
Feel free to check out my site: http://mybuskins.com/#karenmwiggins

BBB: Tell us your favorite product from Blue Box Balm..
KW: I haven't had the opportunity to try any of the products, but I do like the sound of many of the flavored lip balms and spritzers, especially the "Wicked" (Patchouli-Vanilla) and "Noble" (Ginger-Vanilla) spritzers sound very appealing. I'm going to have to save to splurge!

BBB: Can our readers follow you on social sites? 
KW: Yes.
Twitter: @Huskyfrompluto https://twitter.com/Huskyfrompluto
InstaGram: Huskyfrompluto https://www.instagram.com/huskyfrompluto/
Pinterest: Huskyfrompluto https://www.pinterest.com/huskyfrompluto/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Karen.M.Wiggins

BBB: Is there anything you would like to add before we wrap up this interview (such as conventions you gone to, cast you have met, a collection you have, etc)?
KW: My husband and I have an extensive collection of Doctor Who, and it keeps growing. We have POP! Vinyls, decorations, mugs, TARDIS galore, a monopoly game, not to mention ALL the released New Who, and most of the Original Who.
              Karen's Hubby                           DVD Collection

                                            Sonic Collection

Big THANK YOU to Karen for participating in our whovian interviews!

If you have any questions for Karen please comment below..


InterWho - Whovian Estefania Juncal

Hello Sweeties!

Welcome to our next InterWho (Whovian Interview)..
I had the pleasure of interviewing Estefania (Esty), so grab a cup of tea and enjoy the read ... 

BBB: Please introduce yourself to our readers and tell us about yourself…
EJ: My name is Estefania, but most everyone calls me Esty. I am 31 years old and live in New Jersey, but I'm originally from Spain. I moved to the states when I was 4 years old.  I also speak French, and lived in France and Switzerland for about 8 months during college.  I love music, food, technology, traveling...all sorts of stuff!

BBB: When did you first become a Whovian?
EJ: I think it was sometime in late 2013 when my friend Ken strongly
insisted I watch because he knew I would love it. I knew I was in deep
trouble right after the episode "Rose." I just had to keep watching! I
wanted to be all caught up in time for the 50th anniversary, which I
did with plenty of time to spare.

BBB: What is your favorite Classic Who and/or New Who episode and why?
EJ: I really loved the 8th Doctor's movie. It's as far into the classics
as I've watched for now. There are many episodes in "new Who" that I
love, but I have a hard time picking a favorite. Basically the entire
RTD era was some of my favorite television ever.

BBB: If you could meet just one Doctor Who cast or crew member, who would it be?
EJ: Well, I've already met David Tennant three times {BBB: *YES! She said three times}, and he's my favorite!
I also met Billie Piper once at Wizard World Philadelphia.  AND I'm
friends with Colum Regan, David's body double in series four. I feel
so connected to the cast already, haha!

Esty and David Tennant

David Tennant, Esty and Billie Piper

Esty gifted David Tennant his inspired 
Blue Box Balm "Allons-y!" Lip Balm!
BBB: Who is your favorite Doctor and why?
EJ: As I mentioned above, David Tennant is my favorite. When I watch him play the Doctor, it becomes more than just watching a tv show. David Tennant IS the Doctor.  When I watch him on screen I don't even feel like he is acting half the time. You can tell that he is doing this as a true fan of the show.

BBB: Who is your favorite companion and why?
EJ: I loved Rose & Donna the most because I could relate to them. Women who didn't think they were anything special and by the end of their runs, they were so empowered.  They always make me feel like I can do anything.

BBB: If you could travel with The Doctor in his TARDIS to any time and/or place, where would you like to go?
EJ: I have thought about this often, actually, and I can never decide on a specific time or a place. I'd definitely rather visit the past more than the future. I'm afraid if I see the future then the present will
look so boring while I wait for the world to catch up to what I already saw. But to see the world throughout different points in history would be awesome.

BBB: Are you in any other fandoms besides Doctor Who? Such as Torchwood or Sherlock?
EJ: I started Torchwood but haven't finished it yet. I am in so many fandoms, though, I have lost track! Stargate, X-Files, Arrow, Flash, Firefly, Supernatural...the list goes on and on.

Esty with infamous hugger, John Barrowman

BBB: Tell us about your business or hobbies even if they are not related to Doctor Who..
EJ: I am the personal IT girl to most my friends, family and coworkers.  I answer all of their techie questions and concerns.  I love spending time with my two dogs Chico, a chihuahua/Jack Russel mix, and Rocky, a great dane/dalmatian/lab mix. They are my boys and the bestest thing to come home to. I am usually humming or singing a song, as music is a very important!

BBB: Tell us your favorite product from Blue Box Balm..
EJ: My absolute favorite favorite product from BBB is the Meta 10 lip balm. The vanilla and rose combination is just perfect. I bought this practically in bulk because I love it so much!

***Special! In honor of Estefania's favorite product, Blue Box Balm is offering Meta 10 Lip Balm for just $2! This special offer ends 3/22, so hurry!

BBB: Can our readers follow you on social sites? 
Twitter: @EstyJuncal
Facebook: www.facebook.com/EstefaniaJuncal
Instagram: esty_j
Blog: www.musingsofafangirl.com

BBB: Is there anything you would like to add before we wrap up this interview (such as conventions you gone to, cast you have met, a collection you have, etc)?
EJ: I have been to 4 cons so far. Wizard World Raleigh & Philly, NJ Comic Con and recently I volunteered at Heroes & Villains Fan Fest here in NJ. You can read about that in my blog.

Esty and Stephen Amell (aka Arrow)

For WW Raleigh, I helped Colum Regan get a copy of his, at the time, almost released book The Fly Guy to David Tennant. David and I ended up having a nice conversation about Cardiff and Colum. When I saw David again at WW Philly he actually remembered me, which was WILD.

Esty and Colum

I visited Cardiff in April 2015 where I met up with Doctor Squee and fellow balmer Melissa. We visited the Doctor Who Experience, a place I never thought I'd ever get to see.  I also met up with Colum who took me to Southerndown, but Whovians know it as Bad Wolf Bay. Cardiff was a life-changing experience for me - I'll be visiting again later this year :)

Melissa, Esty and Doctor Squee!
Bad Wolf Bay

Bad Wolf Bay 

Big THANK YOU to Esty for participating in our whovian interviews!

If you have any questions for Esty please comment below..


InterWho - Whovian Leah Heitzke-Mallard

Hello Sweeties!

Welcome to our next InterWho (Whovian Interview)..
I had the pleasure of interviewing Leah, so grab a cup of tea and enjoy the read ... 
BBB: Please introduce yourself to our readers and tell us about yourself…
LHM: Hi!  My name’s Leah.  I live in Oklahoma with my husband, our son (and another one on the way,) our three dogs, and our two cats.  I’m constantly working on some crafty project or another.  Right now the biggie is a Super Mario-themed nursery, as our older son lucked out and got the Doctor Who room!

BBB: When did you first become a Whovian?
LHM: I’m fairly new to the Whoverse.  I guess I stumbled into it around five or so years ago with the 9th Doctor.  I jumped in with both feet and haven’t looked back since.

BBB: What is your favorite Classic Who and/or New Who episode and why?
LHM: I haven’t caught up with the Classic Who, but I think my favorite New Who episode would have to be either Blink or The Girl in the Fireplace.  I think Blink was the first time a television show actually terrified me…I was hooked!  And what can I say about The Girl in the Fireplace, it had it all.  It was emotional, magical, romantic, and of course just the right amount of creepy.

BBB: If you could meet just one Doctor Who cast or crew member, who would it be?
LHM: Hmm, I can only meet one cast or crew member?  It’s a toss-up between David Tennant or Alex Kingston.  I think they both would have fantastic personalities and senses of humor.  I can’t imagine the stories they could tell!

BBB: Who is your favorite Doctor and why?
LHM: My favorite Doctor is Ten, but Twelve is quickly catching up.  Ten is quirky without being overly childish, yet he could turn on the protection and fury when need be.

BBB: Who is your favorite companion and why?
LHM: For me, it’s hard to beat the Ponds as companions.  Amy could definitely hold her own and wasn’t afraid to tell the Doctor exactly what she thought.  I loved her feistiness!  And Rory, I couldn’t help but love his dedication to Amy and to everything and everyone that was important to her.

BBB: If you could travel with The Doctor in his TARDIS to any time and/or place, where would you like to go?
LHM: I think I’d like to go back to the Roaring ‘20s, with maybe some sort of Al Capone/gangster/Prohibition element thrown in.  Fashion and danger, it’s all there.

BBB: Are you in any other fandoms besides Doctor Who? Such as Torchwood or Sherlock?
LHM: I don’t technically belong to any other fandoms per se.  I guess the closest would be The Walking Dead.  I did go to a Con to meet a cast member.  Other than that, I enjoy comic book movies, I love Orphan Black, and I try to keep up with as many horror films as I can.

BBB: Tell us about your business or hobbies even if they are not related to Doctor Who..
LHM: My hobbies, let’s see.  I have to be creating something pretty much all the time, whether it’s sewing, making jewelry, working on graphic design projects, photography, or a variety of other techniques.  I just love trying new ways to make stuff!  I also love films.  I was working on my Master’s thesis in horror films, so that’s still where my interest mainly lies, but I still love most films.

BBB: Tell us your favorite product from Blue Box Balm..
LHM: Right now, my favorite Blue Box product is the Sonic Spritz in Naughty.  The staying power of the spritz is much better than my traditional perfumes.  The scent lingers all day!  I can’t wait to try the other spritzes!

***Special! In honor of Leah's favorite product, Blue Box Balm is offering Sonic Spritz "Naughty" for just $5! This special offer ends 3/14, so hurry!

BBB: Can our readers follow you on social sites? 
LHM: Really, the only social media site I’m on other than Facebook (Leah's Facebook) is Pinterest.  People are more than welcome to follow me on there:  https://www.pinterest.com/lheitzke/

BBB: Is there anything you would like to add before we wrap up this interview (such as conventions you gone to, cast you have met, a collection you have, etc)?
LHM: I love to collect Pops! figures.  Right now my Doctor Who collection is perched on top of my son’s TARDIS armoire.

Big THANK YOU to Leah for participating in our whovian interviews!

If you have any questions for Leah please comment below..


InterWho - Whovian Lorraine Cox

Hello Sweeties!

Welcome to our next InterWho (Whovian Interview)..
I had the pleasure of interviewing Lorraine Cox, so grab a cup of tea and enjoy the read ... 

BBB: Please introduce yourself to our readers and tell us about yourself…
LC: My name is Lorraine, and I'm a geek mom of 2 little geekling girls! I live on the West Coast of Canada in the BC Lower Mainland, and love it here! I'm within an hour of ocean, mountain or any outdoor activity! As well, I love to cook, which thanks to that a little bit I now have to hit the gym! In addition, I work at YVR International Airport, so I do see some neat people!

BBB: When did you first become a Whovian?
LC: I became a Whovian about 3 years ago when one of my close friends challenged me to watch some New Who and see how it goes. Needless to say, it was addiction at first episode!

BBB: What is your favorite Classic Who and/or New Who episode and why?
LC: I like the special episode Day of the Doctor with 10, 11 and War. It was so well executed and the melding of the classic with new was seamless!

BBB: If you could meet just one Doctor Who cast or crew member, who would it be?
LC: I have met John Barrowman by complete fluke at work! He was checking in at first class and I happened to be working that counter! He is a master of the selfie! I would love to meet David Tennant, because he is hot! Haha! And Billie Piper, as I listened to her music prior to following her into Doctor Who!
*Lorraine has also met famous violinist, Lindsey Stirling!

BBB: Who is your favorite Doctor and why?
LC: 10 is one of my favourites, with 12 coming up fast! I love how they are conflicted, and with 10 he is so torn with his feelings for Rose! 12 is attached to Clara, and he's got angry eyebrows!

BBB: Who is your favorite companion and why?
LC: I loved Rose, and her sass! She was capable, and not completely a damsal in distress! I also liked Captain Jack, because he was cheeky and challanged 10 in ways that needed to be done!

BBB: If you could travel with The Doctor in his TARDIS to any time and/or place, where would you like to go?
LC: I would love to see Monet during the Impressionist period, or go meet with Churchill, one of my historical idols! I mean, the man lived off cigars and brandy, and managed to lead a nation during an important time in history!

BBB: Are you in any other fandoms besides Doctor Who? Such as Torchwood or Sherlock?
LC: I am into Star Wars, Firefly, Sherlock, Arrow... my kids have been raised on a healthy diet of Star Wars and Firefly as well as Doctor Who and Marvel! I love how they each draw you in! I've also gotten hooked on Orphan Black (Tatiana Maslany is AMAZEBALLS! Seriously, 8 clones??). Marvel is also awesome, with my daughter happy to have been Black Widow after seeing Age of Ultron with mommy! Another one that I'm not sure that airs in the US is X-Company. Its a period based drama based on real events and the real Camp X that was a base in Canada for espionage training during WWII and many American spies trained there too!

The R2D2 Star Wars Plane!

BBB: Tell us about your business or hobbies even if it is not related to Doctor Who..
LC: I'm a little funny, I play video games (Elder Scrolls Online, Marvel Heroes, Vindictus), as well as cook and bake. In down time, I hit the gym in order to try to do another Tough Mudder! I also have a green belt in Shotokan Karate, and competed in tournaments for sparring (fighting) and kata (forms, kinda like a solo fight routine.)

BBB: Tell us your favorite product from Blue Box Balm..
LC: I've been hooked on the balms since I first discovered them by fluke on etsy! They are in my purse, backpack and work bag! They are awesome and I plan to buy more!
*Lorraine's favorite lip balms are Tempest, Allons-y! and The Blue Box 

***Special! In honor of Lorraine's favorite product (well one of them, anyway!) Blue Box Balm is offering Allons-y for just $2! This special offer ends 3/10, so hurry!

BBB: Can our readers follow you on social sites? 
LC: I can be found on Twitter as @KitharaCox, Beme as kitharac, and Snapchat as kitharacox836

BBB: Is there anything you would like to add before we wrap up this interview (such as conventions you gone to, cast you have met, a collection you have, etc)?
LC: I have a huge Funko Pop collection that is close to 40 figures, with my hubby practically finishing the first release Doctor Who set for me in 1 go at Christmas! I've been to E3 back in 2004 (gaming convention) and plan to try to go to some comicons soon! I also have met Captain Jack as well!

Lorraine's daughter, Rose with the TARDIS

Big THANK YOU to Lorraine for participating in our whovian interviews!

If you have any questions for Lorraine please comment below..


InterWho - Whovian Leigh Bull

Hello Sweeties!

Welcome to our next InterWho (Whovian Interview)..
I had the pleasure of interviewing Leigh Bull so grab a cup of tea and enjoy the read ... 
BBB: Please introduce yourself to our readers and tell us about yourself…
LB: Hi, I'm Leigh! I'm 22 years old and live in Wales - I've sadly never seen any Doctor Who scenes being filmed here, but I have heard that the coal pit and 'Global Chemical' scenes in the Jon Pertwee serial 'The Green Death' were filmed near my town, so that's my claim to fame :P I have a genetic disorder that causes me to have epileptic seizures, along with becoming easily exhausted from having hypermobile weak joints among other problems, so I'm currently unable to work or do much - but I like to fill my time with watching awesome shows like Doctor Who and drawing fanart of my favourite characters :)

BBB: When did you first become a Whovian?
LB: I first got into Doctor Who when it was brought back in 2005 with Christopher Eccleston - my parents suggested that we all watch it together as a family because they grew up watching the Classic series, and I've been hooked ever since!

BBB: What is your favorite Classic Who and/or New Who episode and why?
LB: Well, anyone who's talked to me can probably guess that I love the 1996 movie featuring Paul McGann, if that counts, even though it's not an 'episode'. I just love absolutely everything about it - Paul McGann is a fantastic Doctor, the Master is my favourite Doctor Who villain and I think Eric Roberts is amazing as him (and rocks the best outfit at the end!), Grace is a wonderful companion and it's a really interesting change to see the Master get a companion in the form of Chang Lee too (not to mention that Chang Lee is one of my favourite Doctor Who characters ever, he acts tough but has a heart of gold really and just wants to do the right thing. Oh, and he also gets the coolest 'first TARDIS entrance' out of anyone, just look at the way he confidently swings both doors open and then goes 'nope' when he sees what's inside :P) The TARDIS interior and costumes are stunning, and I think the whole movie looks fantastic for something that was made for TV in the 90's - I think the movie may have failed to be a hit because of how it tried too hard to please both British and American audiences, the old fans of the Classic series along with people who knew nothing about Doctor Who, but I still greatly enjoy it and think it bridges the gap between the Classic and New series very well :) Plus it introduced me to some of my favourite actors - all four main cast members are lovely people and I have become a massive fan of Eric Roberts' work since first discovering him in the Doctor Who movie, now having watched 35 of his many movies and various episodes of different TV shows that he's been in :P

BBB: If you could meet just one Doctor Who cast or crew member, who would it be?
LB: Well, I'd ideally love to meet all four main cast members of the Doctor Who movie! I've already met Paul McGann and he was lovely, though I would like to meet him again because I got a bit 'starstruck' and couldn't talk properly when I saw him :P I've also met Daphne Ashbrook, who is an absolute sweetheart and all around wonderful human being (she's even called me her 'friend' on twitter!) I'm going to be seeing her again at a convention in May, along with hopefully getting to meet Yee Jee Tso there as well, I'm really excited about that - so that leaves Eric Roberts, I'd absolutely love for him to come to a UK convention so that I could meet him and discuss all the films he's been in, he's had such a long and interesting career that I'd love to learn more about (plus I've converted my nan into becoming a big Eric Roberts fan as well after watching a lot of his movies with her, so she'd love to see him too - come on Eric, get over here to the UK so your two biggest fans can meet you!)

BBB: Who is your favorite Doctor and why?
LB: Probably the Sixth Doctor or the Eighth Doctor :) I'm one of the few who loves the Sixth Doctor's fashion sense lol, his multicoloured coat is awesome, and the confidence he has in himself is something I aspire to have :P I also love the Eighth Doctor's gorgeous Victorian era inspired outfit and childlike personality, with the sense of awe and wonder he feels at the smallest quirks about the human race that he loves so much really shining through and making him instantly lovable.

BBB: Who is your favorite companion and why?
LB: Awww, would it be cheating to say Chang Lee since he technically wasn't a companion to the Doctor for the majority of the film? :P If not him, then probably Grace. Her character introduction of being at the opera, running down the hospital hall in slow motion as the music still plays and then performing surgery while still wearing her dress makes for some fantastic and iconic imagery - she's beautiful and intelligent, being a talented cardiologist and even managing to reroute the TARDIS under extreme pressure by herself later on in the film, really living up to her nickname 'Amazing Grace'. I thought her romance with the Doctor was sweet, but I liked that she decided to leave him on her own terms at the end, even asking him to stay with her instead. I would have loved for the Eighth Doctor, Grace and Chang Lee to have stayed together and become a TARDIS team if the movie had gone on to be developed into a proper series, and it's a real shame that Grace and Lee don't seem to be allowed back now due to apparent rights issues, but I love that the Big Finish audios have still managed to bring Yee Jee Tso and Daphne Ashbrook back in the form of playing new characters Charlie Sato and Ruth Matheson in 'Tales From the Vault', 'Mastermind' and 'The Screaming Skull' (which are great audios, you should listen to them if you haven't already!)

BBB: If you could travel with The Doctor in his TARDIS to any time and/or place, where would you like to go?
LB: Honestly, I can't think of anything particularly enlightening that I'd want to do or see in the past, so I think I'd just like to go to 1977 America to watch Eric Roberts playing 'Ted Bancroft #1' in soap opera 'Another World' as it was his earliest TV acting role and no footage of it seems to exist today.

BBB: Are you in any other fandoms besides Doctor Who? Such as Torchwood or Sherlock?
LB: Hmm, not particularly - obviously I like other shows (such as, indeed, Sherlock) but not to the extent that I draw fanart or engage in any fan discussions, etc. with anyone about them. Unless there's an 'Eric Roberts fandom' that counts lol, because I really am quite invested in watching all his movies and following his career - I listen to a brilliant podcast that gives hilarious reviews of his movies, which can be found at 'ericrobertsistheman.com' or on twitter at '@ERITFM', and the great thing is that it never gets boring because of the massive range of vastly different movies that Eric Roberts has been in (for example, ERITFM's first episode reviewed his films 'Star 80' and 'First Dog' - suffice to say that they're very, very different movies :P) And they've even reviewed the Doctor Who movie, check it out! It's certainly interesting to hear it being reviewed from the perspective of people who don't know anything about Doctor Who (Warning that the website and podcast contains NSFW language, though, and the Doctor Who review starts about 40 minutes into the episode - also, they mentioned me at around the 50 minute mark when they asked what 'TARDIS' stood for!)

BBB: Tell us about your business or hobbies even if they are not related to Doctor Who..
LB: I can't engage in many particularly active hobbies due to my disabilities, but I enjoy going to conventions to meet my favourite actors and using those opportunities to dress up in the amazing cosplay outfits that my nan and mam make of the characters I like (my favourite being an absolutely gorgeous replica my nan made of the red cloak outfit that Eric Roberts' version of the Master wore at the end of the Doctor Who movie - so far I've only worn it to one convention and I had such a fantastic response, especially since I was also carrying a lovely Chang Lee doll that my mam and nan also made, with various people asking to have photos with me and even saying that they 'loved' me! I'd like to wear that same outfit to the May convention when I meet Daphne Ashbrook and Yee Jee Tso, I'm hoping they'll like it) I also love to draw, as I previously mentioned, and tend to draw my favourite characters - I've even posted some of my art on twitter and had wonderful responses from Yee Jee Tso when I've shown him my pictures of Chang Lee, I'll have to draw a picture of him for his upcoming birthday too as a gift :P

BBB: Tell us your favorite product from Blue Box Balm..
LB: Aww, that's such a tough decision, I can't decide - I absolutely love all the ones I've bought, along with the samples you've sent me! But I do especially love the shimmer of 'Asian Child', I love taking it around in my Chang Lee 'Balm Buddy', and I am biased with him being my favourite character :P

***Special! In honor of Leigh's favorite product, Blue Box Balm is offering Asian Child Lip Balm for just $2! This special offer ends 3/8, so hurry!

BBB: Can our readers follow you on social sites? 
LB: Yes, you can follow me on twitter at @cookiepianos :)

BBB: Is there anything you would like to add before we wrap up this interview (such as conventions you gone to, cast you have met, a collection you have, etc)?
LB: Not that I can think of, I think I've mentioned everything - thank you so much for interviewing me, I feel honoured that you wanted to and I've had a lot of fun answering these questions! Your products are amazing and I can't wait to try out more of them :)

**I wanted to show you some illustrations Leigh did featuring Grace & Chang Lee with a Blue Box Balm flair!

Big THANK YOU to Leigh for participating in our whovian interviews!

If you have any questions for Leigh please comment below..